Thursday, August 21, 2008

The dentist nightmare

Last week I got my wisdom tooth removed. It had been killing me for some good 20 days and I went to the dentist 3 times in order to have it taken out but for some reason or another they wouldn’t. Third time I went there my dentist was on sick-leave!! I started shouting, kicking, crying and begging them to remove the freaking tooth. They noticed I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown so they pitied me and took the bloody tooth out, what a relief!! The anesthetic hurt like hell but the cavity on the tooth hurt more so I was brave and didn’t complain. Fortunately it’s over now. Then my dentist said I had a small cavity in my other wisdom tooth so I had to go back to the dental clinic yesterday and get sweaty palms again, boohoo. I still have another appointment to get a professional cleaning with a periodontist and I’ll get rid of the dentist for at least 6 months yippieeee!!
My advice to you people is GO TO THE DENTIST!! I always try to postpone the agony but I’ve learnt that it is worse if I don’t go.

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